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Many organizations on Long Island have been established to be the voice and friends of local animals. While many animals have loving homes, others are not so lucky. Animal rescue groups bring their services to animals in need of help. Most a non-profit groups who put all the money they see back into the care and well-being of the animals they take in. Contact any of the following services if you are interested in adopting or fostering a homeless animal or if you know of an animal in need of saving.Read More Many organizations on Long Island have been established to be the voice and friends of local animals. While many animals have loving homes, others are not so lucky. Animal rescue groups bring their services to animals in need of help. Most a non-profit groups who put all the money they see back into the care and well-being of the animals they take in. Contact any of the following services if you are interested in adopting or fostering a homeless animal or if you know of an animal in need of saving. Show Less
A Happy Harvest Farm
in Troupsburg
(631) 576-9178
PO Box 585
in Johnson City
2114 Sound Avenue
in Baiting Hollow
2 Rider Place
in Freeport
344 Wading River Road
in Manorville
PO Box 710
in Plainview
28 Maple Place
in Manhasset
25 Davis Avenue
in Port Washington
8325 Jericho Turnpike
in Woodbury
Want to be added to the Animal Organizations Page? Call 631-406-4410 or Email Us for details!